Building the Habit of Reading: A Journey to Literary Pleasure
Hello everyone! I'm María José Castaño, and I want to ask you a question that many people have rolling around in their heads lately: Have you ever set out to take up this habit again and felt that it's a difficult mountain to climb? Probably so and that's why I share with you these lines to guide you on this journey towards literary pleasure in a sustained manner over time. Reading is more than a simple activity; it is a door to infinite worlds, to emotions that transform us and to knowledge that enriches us. However, sometimes modern times take us away from this enriching habit. But I can guarantee you that there is a way back to take it up again or build it from scratch. To begin with, I want to share with you a tool that will be of great help in this process: My "Commitment template". Download it and use it as your personal map in this journey. This template will help you set realistic goals, plan your reading time and track your progress.