
Free download: basic sewing steps bojagi

Discover the secrets of traditional bojagi sewing with our free guide to master the basic steps to sew bojagi by hand with ease!

By monicamartinrivas in Free download: basic sewing steps bojagi 18.03.2024 at 16:22
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1710775351/content-items/015/142/728/interior_img2-original.jpg?1710775351">Free download: basic sewing steps bojagi 1

Have you ever heard of bojagi sewing? If not, you are about to discover a great method. Bojagi sewing is a traditional Korean technique of wrapping and sewing fabrics to create elegant and functional wrappings. It's like the art of gift wrapping, but with a unique and historic twist!

How does this wonderful textile art form work? Well, it's quite simple. First, you need a bunch of fabric scraps, in whatever colours and patterns you want. They can be of different sizes and shapes, which means you can let your creativity run wild. Then comes the fun part, it's time to get sewing.

Bojagi sewing involves joining the fabric scraps together using a special sewing technique. You can choose to sew by hand or with a sewing machine, whatever takes your fancy. The aim is to create a larger, sturdier piece of fabric that you can use to wrap everything from gifts to food.

The impressive thing about bojagi sewing is that there are no strict rules. You can experiment with different sewing patterns, combine fabrics of different colours and textures and let your imagination run wild! What's more, bojagi sewing is environmentally friendly, as it makes the most of fabric scraps and reduces waste.

By monicamartinrivas in Free download: basic sewing steps bojagi 18.03.2024 at 16:22
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1710775351/content-items/015/142/730/interior_img1-original.jpg?1710775351">Free download: basic sewing steps bojagi 3

One of the most amazing things about bojagi stitching is its history. This technique dates back centuries, when Koreans used to wrap their belongings in beautifully stitched cloth to transport them from one place to another. Over time, bojagi sewing became a revered art form, passed down from generation to generation. In addition, the country's traditional religions believed that wrapping something in bojagi cloth brought good luck.

Today, bojagi stitching is not only used for wrapping gifts and objects, but is also considered a form of artistic expression. Many contemporary artists have adopted this ancient technique and taken it to new levels of creativity, creating unique works of art.

Next time you need to wrap a gift or simply want to explore a new form of textile art, give bojagi stitching a try! With a little practice and a lot of imagination, you can create truly spectacular pieces that will captivate all who see them.

Now, what you've been waiting for. So that you can get started in this world and get a taste of what it's all about, we've brought you a downloadable PDF, created by the artisans and textile artists of @desedamas, in which they teach you the basic steps to sew in the bojagi style. So, click below, get out your scraps and start sewing your own bojagi works!

Download U3_02 (Pasos costura basica bojagi).jpg

If you like the experience, don't hesitate to join the Desedamas course at Domestika, Creative sewing: introduction to Bojagi, with which you will end up mastering this technique to perfection.

Here are some other links that may be of interest to you:

- More sewing courses
- 12 types of sewing stitches

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