Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:14
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622909658/content-items/008/108/890/carlo-stanga-moleskine-domestika-original.jpg?1622909658">This is the final image on layer before the animation process.Pro
Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:16
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622909796/content-items/008/108/903/MOLESKINE_CAMPAIGN_2021_SKETCH_layers%2520copy-original.jpg?1622909796">This is the first sketch for approval. It was almost completely approved by Moleskine.Pro
Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:19
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622909952/content-items/008/108/919/1-MOLESKINE_THINK_IN_COLOURS_2021-400-carlo-stanga%2520copy-original.jpg?1622909952">Detail of the kitchen areaPro
Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:19
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622909998/content-items/008/108/928/2-MOLESKINE_THINK_IN_COLOURS_2021-400-carlo-stanga%2520copy-original.jpg?1622909998">Detail of the kitchen furniture and various objectsPro
Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:21
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622910084/content-items/008/108/942/3-MOLESKINE_THINK_IN_COLOURS_2021-400-carlo-stanga%2520copy-original.jpg?1622910084">Detail of the living roomPro
Por carlo_stanga
em Moleskine: The Power of Colors
05.06.2021 às 18:22
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1622910160/content-items/008/108/947/4_MOLESKINE_THINK_IN_COLOURS_2021-400-carlo-stanga%2520copy-original.jpg?1622910160">Detail of the City and the terrace
This is an animation job I created for Moleskine. It was a new advertising campaign showing the many different colors available among the notebooks.
I started with a sketch, showing a large interior apartment with a big balcony and a city view. The notebooks are flying from outside into the flat showing around their brilliant colors.
After the approval I began to trace the pencil lines with an ink outline and, as I teach in my Domestika course, I scanned the ink drawing divided in different layers. I worked on the drawing by coloring it in photoshop, always keeping the different layers separated. It is very important to have many layers, like in this case the notebooks, because the animators can work on them easier. In the final animation you can see the funny result!
8 comentários
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Professor Plus@laura_gargiulo Obrigado Laura!
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StaffBelo projeto! Muito bem feito e explicado.
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Professor Plus@microbians Obrigado Gabriel!
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Ilustração incrivelmente detalhada e colorida, adorei!
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O nível de detalhe é ótimo, parece que está lá
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PlusAcabei de descobrir e comprar o seu curso. Seus desenhos e retratos da cidade são impressionantes. Estou ansioso para aprender com você.
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Professor PlusOi Andrea! Obrigado por sua amável nota. Espero que gostem do curso.
Desejo a você uma grande inspiração!
Vejo você aqui no fórum,
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